The Game
by on July 10, 2001 in Poetry

I started to play the game
Before I knew all the rules
I didn’t’ realize they
Were quite so detailed
They just told me what to do
Each day that I would get here
And put on a smiling face
To try and hide my own confusion
With why I chose this place
They handed me some literature
That I was to read
So I could learn about their culture
How stupid was I to believe
That there was no hierarchy
It was a safe place to express
And it was encouraged
To wear casual dress
What a place
I thought at first
But as the time went by
I realized all the crap I heard
And read was just a lie
“Tone it down” is what
They said to me
But I was just trying to be myself
Now I’m forced to choose
Which words I say
While the rest swirl in my head
Why is it okay to disrespect me?
Why do I have to kiss ass?
Just because I’m not as old
Or driven to get to the top so fast?
I value honesty
And I want to make a difference
I used to think I could here
I was naïve and innocent
Now I’m growing jaded
So do I tough it up or leave?
I understand the trap
I’ve got rent to pay
And myself to feed
So I guess I have to try again
Now I’m learning all the rules
To play this bullshit corporate game
The goal is not to lose
Myself, not the game
I don’t care much about that
To be a workaholic
To me that just seems sad
I just want enough energy left
At the end of every day
To sing to the radio on my way home
And have something interesting to say
And maybe in time it won’t be so hard
It won’t feel like such a sacrifice
To play a game I don’t love
40 hours a week
Or maybe I’ll do
Something else with my life

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© Sarah McKinney, 2015